Business Coaching

You are typically a small to medium-sized business owner or entrepreneur who wants to grow further and you may feel that you are stuck.  Business Coaching is a combination of individual coaching and consulting with you on individual problems to solve to ultimately grow your business.  The small to medium-sized business can typically not afford to employ experts on a full time basis; therefore the business coaching is a flexible and affordable approach to accessing this expertise on an “as-needed” basis.  With Gaynor’s business experience she is able to be a “fresh pair of eyes” who can scan your business model and processes and suggest areas for improvement, growth and change.  Perhaps you have new contracts to be negotiated, or have an employee relations issue that you need to trouble-shoot and Gaynor can provide her expertise to help move your business forward.

Free initial consultation

Are you unsure about what is involved with a coaching session and what would be best for your needs?

Why not have a free initial 15 minutes consultation with Gaynor?  This session gives both parties the opportunity to explore your individual needs and recommend the best way forward.

Contact us now